Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Obama's Big Day

Hello again.

Obama's big day is undoubtedly an historic day for the USA and its people, and, in case our American friends were wondering, for millions if not billions of people worldwide.

Which might make anything else that happens today almost redundant. Sure, a lot of people will be making sure the new president's name features prominently in their emails, blog posts and so on, but their messages will mostly still be drowned out today.

So, why bother posting anything today?

Well, life, and even business, goes on. Special offers don't disappear for a day, to magically reappear tomorrow, the world economy might hold its breath for a moment or two, but the 'crisis' carries on. People still eat, drink, sleep, work, make love, care for their children and so on.

And today's posts will still be there tomorrow, for Google, which never sleeps, to spider, index and rate.

I just banked a commission cheque from Armand Morin's Generator Software, my Niche Seminar Secrets One-Dollar Trial is still open and I'm still available to help, advise and support anyone who asks me.

I've been reading up on economics lately - who hasn't? - and I understand more than I did a few weeks ago. I'm more sure than ever that the free market works, by and large, to improve the lives of those it touches. It doesn't hurt to revisit the arguments, though, to see how it might work better for more people.

Meanwhile, business, as I say, goes on.


Wednesday, 14 January 2009

I Knew You Were 'Special'

Hello again

I hope you've been watching the latest free Stompernet videos or, if not, that you've downloaded and read their Formula5 report. As they point out in the introduction to the report, we all have different learning styles.

Personally, I prefer reading, with pictures...

And among all the good, sound advice - none of it revolutionary but most of it eye-opening when it's presented the Stompernet way - was one nugget that was worth more to me than all the reminders to follow up, improve by 15% here, test higher prices there, and so on.

It was this: if you're in business, you're different. Just recognising that fact gives you two immediate benefits.

First, you can stop assuming your customer thinks like you. He doesn't, because he's a customer and you're a business owner. So when you offer a solution to his problem, he's grateful. He's far less aware of the fact that you're making money out of him than you are. So supply what he wants and ask for the money.

But the second benefit is even more profound. Because you're different you have permission to behave differently. Some of the rules and attitudes the rest of the world lives by don't apply to you. Like the one that says 'modesty becomes you'. Like the one that says 'no one will like you if you're pushy', or 'we don't talk business at social occasions'.

If you're in business, be in business. Promote your products in your emails, tell anyone who'll listen about the great product or service you offer, be proud of your business and definitely don't be modest about what you can do. That doesn't make you more attractive to most people; it just makes you appear uninteresting and less important than you are. That casual acquaintance might be (or might have been) your next big customer.

Of course, it's much easier to be upbeat and confident and to appear proud of your business if your business is something to be proud of, but it also gets easier if you're in the habit of promoting it at every opportunity.

Be proud to be different and be proud of your success in business.


Sunday, 11 January 2009

I'm Anybody's for a Dollar...

Here’s something I’ve observed about Seminar Secrets members:

Most members think it would be quite nice to be able to pocket a six-figure income by learning how to put on their own events. No great surprise there.

Also not surprisingly, most people won’t do it. After all, it’s a new set of skills to learn and something of a journey into the unknown.

Plus, there’s the cost of Niche Seminar Secrets itself, which might be wasted money if you decide it’s not really your thing after all.

That’s why I introduced the one-dollar trial: same content, same bonuses, same guarantee, and yours to try for a month before you pay another cent.

Niche Seminar Secrets will teach you all the skills and guide you on your journey into the unknown.

And here’s what else I’ll offer you:


You see, I already promise free help and advice to anyone who asks, from here or through either of the Niche Seminar Secrets blogs.

So how is that an incentive for you to invest a whole one dollar?

Well, there is only one of me, so what I can offer is priority. Priority for you as a Niche Seminar Secrets customer means I’ll move heaven and earth to help you first. So, if you need me, the blogs and the other members will have to wait their turn.

And there’s more. When you put on your first event I’ll do my damndest to be there in person, if it’s at all feasible (and we may have to discuss travel costs from the UK...). After all, I’ll have a proven product we can promote from the stage and I’m more than happy to share my profits from the back of the room with you. I’ll be promoting you and your event, as well.

Because, what’s the biggest, most visible product at any event? The event itself! If I really can’t make it I’ll still allow you to sell Niche Seminar Secrets yourself, and still for 50 percent commission.

So, you’ll get your blueprint for success, my hand-holding and advice and even (if possible) me as your first confirmed speaker and an ultra-hot ‘back of the room’ product. By now you should be well and truly in profit!

Anything else you need?

As always, just ask. But you’ll me more certain of a quick reply when you take the one-dollar plunge into Niche Seminar Secrets!


Thursday, 1 January 2009

Here's Your Hungry Crowd

Hello again.

Imagine if you could add hundreds, perhaps thousands of the hungriest customers around to your list. Now imagine you can do that for free - just spending a little time and effort.

I showed you how to build a list a few weeks back, with my Come and Get It report.

Well, you can. The Internet continues to grow exponentially. With so much doom and gloom around offline, even more people are going to be joining the online revolution this year. Almost all of them 'newbies' to Internet marketing.

So, if you've been online for even a few weeks or months, you're perfectly placed to help them. In fact, if 'newbie' status is something you remember particularly well, even better, because you'll have an even better idea of their problems than a more experienced marketer might.

A good number of those fresh, new customers will be drawn to the Newbie Training Giveaway - which means you should be there, too, offering free products and adding them, by the hundreds or thousands, to your list.

Here's the link again: http://www.newbietraininggiveaway.com/members.php?id=163


PS. Of course, you can grab loads of free gifts for yourself, too, when the site officially opens on 7th January. For now, though, they're looking for contributors like you to supply everything a newbie might want - and to grow your list in possibly the easiest way possible, short of actually paying for it!