Friday 24 June 2011

Find Anything with Everything

Have you ever lost a file on your computer or had a document you were working on disappear the next time you tried to open it? I have, and I was close to tearing my hair out!

Well, here's a quick link to a useful tool that helps you find missing files on your computer by name, in seconds.

I was alerted to this one when I couldn't find some documents that I'd opened directly from an email but neglected to rename and save properly to a known destination. Although the documents should have been there somewhere, I couldn't find them, even using advanced search on Windows Explorer.

I downloaded and ran this program in no more than a minute or two, entered the file name and up popped the missing Word doc in the blink of an eye.

The tool is called 'Everything' and it's available as a free download from Void Tools at

I have it on my desktop and I have had cause to use it since that first time, so I suggest you download it now, before you lose this blog post!

Please tweet this post and share it on Facebook, as well - your friends will love you even more than they do now :-)

'Everything' has saved me many hours of work and even what's left of my hair!


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