Friday 30 May 2008

Is Email Marketing Dead?

Hello again.

Judging by the number of emails we all send and receive every day, email marketing is still very much with us.

But how many of those emails are read and acted upon? Most of us have some kind of spam filter, and then we delete a lot of the mail that gets past that filter, without even opening it.

Still, I'm betting you read at least a few email messages every day, and if most of those are from friends, family and colleagues, there will be a percentage that nonetheless contain a sales message of some kind. And if you think you never read any of those, then they're probably slipping under your radar! Score one to the email marketer.

The ones you do notice are also succeeding, of course.

'Succeeding' doesn't have to mean persuading you to buy - marketing isn't just about closing the sale today - it means getting you to 'receive' the marketing message, because all marketing is a process, not an event.

So every message you open is another step towards an eventual sale (or it's another step towards your losing interest and unsubscribing), just as every email you send could be...

Because you don't just have to receive all these emails every day, you can send them, too. It's really quite a simple process and it's amazingly cheap (and therefore cost-effective) if you choose to do it yourself. Even hiring someone to do it for you, using their copywriting skills and experience, needn't cost the earth, and results will usually be even better.

When you target your old and existing customers you'll multiply their lifetime value to you.

You needn't worry about alienating people. We're talking about emailing your customers, not your friends here. If a few do unsubscribe, ask yourself this: do you really need to stay in contact with 'customers' who don't buy anything and don't want to hear from you?

So, is email marketing dead?

No; but maybe, for you, it is sleeping...

Roy Everitt, Writing For Results

PS You won't be surprised to learn that email marketing is one of the services we offer at Cinnamon Edge. You can read more about it in The Complete Marketing Manual or by signing up for our newsletter and free reports, using the form on this page.

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