Tuesday 13 April 2010

More Online Marketing for Bury St Edmunds

Not content with getting our Solicitors Bury St Edmunds website onto page one of Google for two excellent search terms, and the similar success with our site for Dentist Bury St Edmunds, we now have another new website already onto page two.

This one is for the best accountants firm in town, so we named it Best Accountants Bury St Edmunds. There are a lot of accountancy firms in and around Bury, let alone the rest of Suffolk and East Anglia, but there can only be one best accountant in Bury st Edmunds.

The only question is, who is that to be?


PS. Search engine optimisation isn't all we do, by any means, although people do find it easier to label us in that way. What we really do is help you find ALL the profit leaks, marketing mistakes and underused resources in your business. That usually takes us a minimum of two hours with you, the business owner, maybe more.

In that initial consultation we promise there will be no sales pitch, no quotes for services and no cheques accepted as a deposit for our services. In other words; no selling at all. Just listening, probing and taking notes. Then we get back to you, probably about a week later, with ideas, suggestions, recommendations and, if we think we can work with you, a proposal for our initial price and our ongoing fees.

Fees are based on your company's size and earning potential and the amount of work we expect to have to do. No two companies are alike and so no two quotes will be the same.

The point is, can you afford NOT to increase your profits by 10, 20 or 30 percent or even more?

Email me at roy@cinnamonedge.co.uk or phone Cinnamon Edge on 01284 753912 to arrange an initial consultation.

NB. We can only work with one company per sector per area so there can be no conflict of interest.

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