Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Free Help For Seminar Organisers

Hello again

If you're planning a seminar or even considering running one, I've an offer you'd be daft to refuse:

Any help you need - just ask.

That's it. Just drop me an email with any questions or problems you might have and I'll do my very best to help. If it's already in Niche Seminar Secrets you should get an answer within a working day. If I have to research it, I may take a little longer to answer.

And if I really can't help, I'll let you know that too. I don't see that happening too often, though.

Just email Roy@RoyEveritt.com

And if you're wondering why I would give you free information and help when I could be selling Niche Seminar Secrets, let's just say I want you to know just how much knowledge and experience is packed into Niche Seminar Secrets and how much help you can still get from me, even after you've bought the manual.

That's because you may be just the kind of joint venture partner I'm looking for, so it will pay me to teach you everything you need to know about staging seminars the Niche Seminar Secrets way.

And if you don't know what questions you need to ask, maybe you need to read Niche Seminar Secrets anyway!

To our success!


Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Seminar Secrets

Hello again

It seems a long time since I touched on the topic of seminars and public speaking as a way to improve your visibility and especially to grow your business and bottom line.

It's no coincidence that the subject has come up this week. Having spent last weekend in London at the Focus Marketing Seminar, where we met lots of old friends and celebrated may of their successes, it seemed high time to raise the topic again. If you were there too, I hope you enjoyed the buzz as much as I did. I think it's fair to say Alex Jeffreys was buzzing!

Frankly, I feel refocused - thanks, Alex!

But there's more...

The fact is, I've been working on a product for some time that teaches you everything you need to know about planning, staging and profiting from your own seminar. It's been almost ready for a while, and now it's really, really ready.

As a taster, I've put together a couple of ebooks that will certainly point you in the right direction. I've added a surprise bonus, too.

You can get those at Niche Seminar Secrets, which is endorsed by the president of France, no less (even if he doesn't know it).

Thanks to Sean Roach and Pat Lovell for a great weekend at Heathrow, to all the speakers and to the delegates (even the quiet ones) who made it such a splendid three days. To the speakers who found time to chat in private afterwards (which was most of them), special thanks. Internet marketing really is quite a community.

To see Niche Seminar Secrets played out for real was very reassuring, too! The Focus Marketing Seminar worked extremely well, thanks to following a tried and trusted system. Yours can, too.

And there is nothing in business, nothing at all, that works quite so well as networking at events like last weekend's. That, and giving stuff away - thanks again, Alex Jeffreys.

Speak soon,


PS. Actually, here's another free ebook for you, that tells you not only about networking but about the next step - power groups, mastermind groups and the synergy that leads to exponential growth. It's powerful stuff, which is why I called it Networking Nitro.

PPS. Catch up with Alex Jeffreys, HERE.