Wednesday 1 February 2012

Positioning Yourself with Workshops and Seminars

One of the best ways to increase your perceived value to potential customers and clients is to make yourself the "obvious expert".

And one of the best ways to become the obvious expert is to run workshops and seminars that demonstrate your expertise, introduce you to potential customers and even make you money at the same time.

A few years ago, after many months of research and pulling together many years' practical experience, I wrote a manual all about planning, promoting and running your own workshops and seminars. I called it Niche Seminar Secrets and it was published and on sale for £197. Even at that price, the publisher said I had "over-delivered..."

It got great reviews from the likes of Mark Anastasi and Paul Conway and it's been on sale ever since.

The manual has been updated several times since it was published, including late in 2010 and it's just been updated again, for 2012. Even more important, The Complete Secrets of Seminar Success is now available from Amazon for Kindle and at a fraction of the original price - just $9.99, or £6.54 in the UK (including VAT).

You don't have to buy a Kindle to read Kindle books, by the way - you can simply download a free app from the Kindle site, the same place you get the books. Then you can download loads of free books, hundreds of bargains and - most important - The Complete Secrets of Seminar Success!


You can get your Kindle here:


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