Tuesday 20 January 2009

Obama's Big Day

Hello again.

Obama's big day is undoubtedly an historic day for the USA and its people, and, in case our American friends were wondering, for millions if not billions of people worldwide.

Which might make anything else that happens today almost redundant. Sure, a lot of people will be making sure the new president's name features prominently in their emails, blog posts and so on, but their messages will mostly still be drowned out today.

So, why bother posting anything today?

Well, life, and even business, goes on. Special offers don't disappear for a day, to magically reappear tomorrow, the world economy might hold its breath for a moment or two, but the 'crisis' carries on. People still eat, drink, sleep, work, make love, care for their children and so on.

And today's posts will still be there tomorrow, for Google, which never sleeps, to spider, index and rate.

I just banked a commission cheque from Armand Morin's Generator Software, my Niche Seminar Secrets One-Dollar Trial is still open and I'm still available to help, advise and support anyone who asks me.

I've been reading up on economics lately - who hasn't? - and I understand more than I did a few weeks ago. I'm more sure than ever that the free market works, by and large, to improve the lives of those it touches. It doesn't hurt to revisit the arguments, though, to see how it might work better for more people.

Meanwhile, business, as I say, goes on.


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