Monday 29 October 2007

'But What if I'm Too Busy?'

Hi there,

It's a question I was asked recently, to which I answered, 'Doing what?'

But it's one thing giving advice, and another taking your own!

Which is why I almost forgot to blog today.

Because the question, 'What if I'm too busy?' was in response to my point, that if you're going to have a blog as your website, you just have to keep posting - every day or at least as often as your readers are used to.

The purpose of having a blog is to provide frequent, useful content for your readers and, let's face it, for the search engines. Your blog is a fundamental part of your business marketing strategy - a crucial part of the whole enterprise.

And if you're too busy to take care of your business, what exactly are you doing?

Well, I was busy doing other things, including, ironically, tweaking this site; getting the sign-up box in the right place and changing some of the settings.

None of which will be much use if I don't supply some content to make it worth your while dropping by...

So here it is - today's tip from me: keep blogging!

Roy Everitt, Writing For Results

PS And keep networking, too. I think there are still some places left for the Earls Court extravaganza that is the World Internet Summit UK, but you can click here for more information

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