Friday 19 October 2007

It's That 'N' word Again

I did warn you.

Last night, at yet another event, the organiser, no less, expressed her hatred of the term 'networking'.

I have to admit we're not much closer to finding an alternative, but we're on the case.

We thought about it over a glass or three of very nice wine, discussed it over an excellent meal and brainstormed (there's another iffy word) with some very bright, imaginative people.

Still no answer. Maybe we need to get back to basics and ask what we're actually doing at these events, then hone the resulting mass of words to a minimum.

After all, all the events have a few things in common, but as they're held at different times of day, we can't just say 'breakfast', 'lunch' or whatever.

What we actually do is meet people; new people or people we haven't seen for a while. We think and talk about business, build relationships, assess possibilities and potential, form opinions and impressions of the people we meet, introduce strangers who we feel may be compatible or of use to each other. Oh, and we generally have a very pleasant time doing it.

We tell people about ourselves and our business, learn about them and theirs. Hopefully, we follow up and continue the relationships we've just begun.

There's often food and or refreshments involved, sometimes even entertainment.

It's generally pretty informal, although it may be quite structured, and did I mention it's usually fun?

Finally, we develop, or become part of, a network of people and businesses who feel they can work with each other.


'Networking', anyone?

Roy Everitt, Writing For Results

PS. Something different next time, I promise. I have a plan...

PPS. Don't forget to take a look at the property 'emergency meeting' I told you about yesterday. You'll find the link in Thursday's post.

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