Monday 15 October 2007

Taking Care of Business


It hardly seems possible that it's a week since we said our farewells at Britpack Live.

What a weekend that was - and what a busy week since.

We left with more ideas and things to get done than we have had hours in the day, but here's another task to tick off - Domain name bagged, website created, first post added.

You might have visited my current blog, Writing For Results, or my poetry blog, Well Versed Poetry. The poetry blog will go on, but I'll be migrating some of the best stuff from WFR to this site over the next few days.

Not everyone agrees a blog is the best idea for the index page on your website, and I might change it yet, but it's certainly a damn quick way of getting a new site up!

And it does mean regular new content to tickle the search engines with.

Plus, I'm planning to raise my profile steadily over the coming months as more of my products become available and I get to work with more and more high profile marketers, so a site in my own name was universally agreed by the panel at Britpack Live to be a good move.

By this time next year:

  1. I'll have been on stage at least twice, speaking at major UK marketing seminars
  2. I'll have become known as a part of one of the most exciting new mastermind groups anywhere in the UK - watch this space
  3. I'll even be building a name for myself in the US, Canada and Australia
  4. I'll have launched at least one major new product to the UK market
  5. But I'll still find time to create persuasive, leading edge copy for my favourite clients

It's going to be quite a year!

Back soon

Roy Everitt, Writing For Results

PS. As well as the old blogs, our existing website, Cinnamon Edge, is still there, newly revamped and now much easier to navigate. Plus, my wife and partner Jacqui Carrel has built a new site dedicated to the other half of our business - information product creation. You can see that here.

PPS. Bear with me a while until I get all the links up and the design the way I want it. Meanwhile, email me here if you need any help, advice (sometimes free!) or have a serious business proposition to put to me.

3 comments: said...

You are to be congratulated for taking action Roy. People who do become successful.
To bigger and better things.

Best Wishes
Paul Conway

Unknown said...

Hey Roy,
busy year you have planned there :)

Looking forward to seeing your exceed all your expectations and if there's any way I can help please just lemme know.

All the best
Paul Kinder
Promoting YOU First!

Roy Everitt said...

Thanks guys.

I'm looking forward to sharing some of the journey :)