Monday, 22 December 2008
Niche Seminar Secrets Trial
Why miss out when you can give it a whirl? Over on my Seminar Secrets blog right now you can grab a 30-day trial for just one dollar. And get a discount after that.
I reckon that's too good an offer to miss - although I could be biased...
Go to
Monday, 15 December 2008
Build a List For Anything...
Here's how you can build a list quickly, and spending nothing except your time.
I was presented with the chance to do this just over a month ago. See my previous post 'Surprise Free Gifts, Anyone?
It worked so well, I wrote a brief guide on how you can copy what I did and quickly build a list of your own in almost any niche you can name. I called it The Come and Get it System.
And here's advanced notice of a great opportunity to build your list in the most lucrative online niche of all, Internet marketing for beginners. If you've been online for more than a few months you already know more about IM than most people just getting into it. Which means you can already teach them something with the aid of a simple info product and build your list at the same time.
And there are still millions of people coming online every month. Hungry people, looking for a way to earn money online. People you can add to your list and promote your products to.
Here's the next big giveaway site. The Newbie Training Giveaway opens for business on 7 January but they're already looking for people like you and me to sign up as contributors. That gives you about three weeks to find, create or perfect your giveaway product and set up your autoresponder, upsell and cross-sell, and so on.
That's plenty of time. I did my first one in one day and added 200 names to a new, minority niche in three weeks. Imagine how well you will do when you have the time to get it right and when you're targeting a massive potential market!
Here's the link to the Newbie Training Giveaway When you upgrade you can also start to profit directly from other people you refer as contributors. And when the site opens on 7 January you should see a steady flow of sign ups to your list.
If you're at all unclear about how to profit and build a list using giveaway sites, download my Come and get it report.
Here's to a prosperous 2009 - for Internet-savvy marketers, at least!
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Making Money from Seminars
Yet more successes for the Niche Seminar Secrets system:
All 100 copies of the Limited Edition Niche Seminar Secrets were snapped up in less than four days, but you can, for a limited period, get a bigger trial edition for just $17 when you go here.
You can also read about the latest success stories for the Niche Seminar Secrets system on the Seminar Secrets blog.
Proving that you really can make tons of money from seminars is getting easier and easier, thanks to these amazing examples.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
This SEO Stuff Works
Proof, if proof were needed, that SEO really works was the page one listing I got for this blog, thanks to the previous post. Within hours, if you'd Googled 'Lucid SEO', you'd have seen at number five.
I've always said that blogs are by far the easiest sites to optimise, and when you pay some more informed attention to key words and related words and phrases, it's even easier. Of course, I wouldn't have done so well if I hadn't paid attention to David Congreave's report, Lucid SEO on Trial.
Google loves Blogger blogs, and it loves fresh, readable and relevant comment. As long as you can string some reasonably intelligent sentences between the keywords, it's got to be the easiest way to grab a front page place!
PS. The labels help, too, so always have the keywords in there as well.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Proving SEO is Easy...
Hello again,
Recently, I've been asked by a few people to help them get more traffic to their websites, and I've come up with a few tailor-made recommendations for how we can do this.
Most people want quick results and don't have the time to do much work themselves, so I often recommend buying targeted traffic, using PPC. What I tend NOT to recommend is spending too much time on Search Engine Optimisation, because it's not usually so quick and it's something of a 'black art'.
David Congreave would beg to differ, I think, and he's convinced me that SEO is something we should always consider for every website we have a hand in.
To prove his point, David has published a free report 'Lucid SEO on Trial', detailing his campaign to win the SEO ranking contest for the recent Focus Marketing Seminar in London. And win it he did, handsomely, despite being banned by Google almost as soon as he'd started!
The report gives you a very good overview of how Mr Congreave's Lucid SEO system works, and it's worth grabbing, just for that. Plus, he nails a few misconceptions about optimisation (and he helped me modify my recommendations) with this well-written report.
I met David again at the Focus Seminar, and he was looking pretty pleased with himself, as well he might - he even beat the official Focus Marketing Seminars website on almost every major search engine - including Google.
Oh, here's Lucid SEO itself:
Congratulations, David Congreave and Lucid SEO, and congratulations to you if you take a few of David's optimisation tips and transform your website's rankings.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Why Barack Obama Won
Could you be the next Barack Obama?
Probably not - but you could be every bit as successful in your own way, once you understand exactly why Obama beat John McCain and Sarah Palin to become the next president of the USA.
That a man with so little experience was able to beat a respected veteran politician into second place is largely down to a quality that has seen him compared with John Kennedy.
Call it presence, charisma, stature or oratory skill, the fact is that Obama, for all his undoubted qualities, has overcome the odds thanks to his ability to engage his public by speaking to them in a way that makes people like, admire and respect him. In short, Barack Obama is a great public speaker. It's probably a gift, and it's reinforced by his undoubted intelligence and even a sense of destiny, but it's still a skill that we can all become better at.
And you don't have to be on a podium to benefit from confident public speaking, as Obama has shown us: working a crowd - networking to you and me - also helps separate the winners from the runners-up.
Probably the world's most famous expert of the art of speaking to a public is Dale Carnegie - there can't be many people who haven't at least heard of How to Make Friends and Influence People. But Dale Carnegie was expounding on the art of public speaking years earlier.
Now you can read his original masterpiece on the subject, called The Art of Public Speaking, when you accept my offer of three more modern volumes on the topic of success through public speaking, below:
To your success!
PS. Ok, you will not become the next president of the USA but you will get a lot nearer to being the best that you can be, when you read The Art of Public Speaking.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Surprise Free Gifts Anyone?
This dropped into my inbox a few days ago, with less than 48 hours to go before launch. Consequently, I didn't have time to tell you about it in advance, although I just about had time to take part. As a result, I can offer you over 200 ebooks, courses, coaching programs and more, all free, at
If you want to see what I contributed, my gift is at
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Free Help For Seminar Organisers
If you're planning a seminar or even considering running one, I've an offer you'd be daft to refuse:
Any help you need - just ask.
That's it. Just drop me an email with any questions or problems you might have and I'll do my very best to help. If it's already in Niche Seminar Secrets you should get an answer within a working day. If I have to research it, I may take a little longer to answer.
And if I really can't help, I'll let you know that too. I don't see that happening too often, though.
Just email
And if you're wondering why I would give you free information and help when I could be selling Niche Seminar Secrets, let's just say I want you to know just how much knowledge and experience is packed into Niche Seminar Secrets and how much help you can still get from me, even after you've bought the manual.
That's because you may be just the kind of joint venture partner I'm looking for, so it will pay me to teach you everything you need to know about staging seminars the Niche Seminar Secrets way.
And if you don't know what questions you need to ask, maybe you need to read Niche Seminar Secrets anyway!
To our success!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Seminar Secrets
It seems a long time since I touched on the topic of seminars and public speaking as a way to improve your visibility and especially to grow your business and bottom line.
It's no coincidence that the subject has come up this week. Having spent last weekend in London at the Focus Marketing Seminar, where we met lots of old friends and celebrated may of their successes, it seemed high time to raise the topic again. If you were there too, I hope you enjoyed the buzz as much as I did. I think it's fair to say Alex Jeffreys was buzzing!
Frankly, I feel refocused - thanks, Alex!
But there's more...
The fact is, I've been working on a product for some time that teaches you everything you need to know about planning, staging and profiting from your own seminar. It's been almost ready for a while, and now it's really, really ready.
As a taster, I've put together a couple of ebooks that will certainly point you in the right direction. I've added a surprise bonus, too.
You can get those at Niche Seminar Secrets, which is endorsed by the president of France, no less (even if he doesn't know it).
Thanks to Sean Roach and Pat Lovell for a great weekend at Heathrow, to all the speakers and to the delegates (even the quiet ones) who made it such a splendid three days. To the speakers who found time to chat in private afterwards (which was most of them), special thanks. Internet marketing really is quite a community.
To see Niche Seminar Secrets played out for real was very reassuring, too! The Focus Marketing Seminar worked extremely well, thanks to following a tried and trusted system. Yours can, too.
And there is nothing in business, nothing at all, that works quite so well as networking at events like last weekend's. That, and giving stuff away - thanks again, Alex Jeffreys.
Speak soon,
PS. Actually, here's another free ebook for you, that tells you not only about networking but about the next step - power groups, mastermind groups and the synergy that leads to exponential growth. It's powerful stuff, which is why I called it Networking Nitro.
PPS. Catch up with Alex Jeffreys, HERE.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Positively Invigorating
Today, I'm not going to talk about marketing.
Spending the past weekend cycling coast to coast (that's the English coast to coast, from Irish Sea to North Sea, not California to New England) gave me some much-needed time away from the computer and all things Internet-related.
It was a great ride and the weather was perfect, thanks - even in the highest village in England where we enjoyed an excellent Bed and Breakfast, and over the highest passes.
Is that fortune favouring the brave or the sun shining on the righteous?
Anyway, I still managed to learn a few things about achieving a vision, mainly through sheer determination, despite myself.
Firstly, the C2C, as it's known, is a masterpiece of coordinated effort and the triumph of a clear vision over huge difficulties. Establishing such a stunning, permanent, almost traffic-free route over 136 miles of this crowded little country is a great achievement. We met plenty of other people tackling the route who must be equally impressed, even as they cursed yet another steep hill.
Secondly, testing ourselves by taking the route on shows how our own determination can bring us personal triumph, too. Of course, most people tackling a hilly 136 miles will have trained for it, but it still hurts!
And frankly, if we can put our bodies through that and come out smiling, we should soon start to believe we can do just about anything we set our minds to.
So, nothing about marketing today, but instead a little about goal-setting and vision and how just those can carry us further than we might have believed.
PS. Just about everyone we met on the route was friendly and encouraging. We were all in it together in a way, while all fighting our own battles and doing it in our won, unique way. But the point is that being friendly and encouraging is a pretty sure sign of a positive attitude and that's what it really takes to not give up, as always...
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Great Goal Setting Will Align Lives
Here's a useful tool I came across a couple of days ago when I was looking for something completely different. Life Aligner, from coach Darren Cockburn, is a piece of software designed to assess your or your clients' current life and how well it 'aligns' with the ideal - whatever that ideal may be.
By placing ten aspects of daily life into descending order of importance (ideally) you can then compare that with how much time, effort or maybe worry you actually spend on each - again, in descending order.
The software then produces an 'alignment' percentage. Of course, the aim to be as close to 100% as possible. The software can also be used to record and track a series of targets - one for each aspect.
The list of ten life aspects seems comprehensive but you can edit them if you wish.
You'll find it on the website, where you'll see coach Darren Cockburn is also offering a free 85-page downloadable 'Life Tools' ebook and one hour's free coaching until the end of August.
This is a free trial version of the software but it already seems like a very useful tool for you and your coaching clients. Being free, you can advise all your clients to use it, although you might not want to tell them about the free coaching!
I'm looking forward to seeing and reviewing the full version of the software, which is currently under development.Once again, you can find Darren Cockburn's 'Life Aligner' at
Roy Everitt, Life Coach Marketer
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Recent comments from golfer John Daley, condemning remarks by his ex-coach about alleged drinking bouts, reminds us that coaches frequently find themselves in a position of great trust. Whether personal, professional or sporting, all coaches are liable to hear and learn things about their clients that are best kept from the outside world.
Some personal coaches, though, might mistakenly invite such revelations. So how do we know who we can trust with some of our less savoury secrets? Are we risking great harm to our reputations and ourselves by seeking the help of a life coach?
‘Only if we confuse coaching with the confessional or even therapy’, says life coach marketer Roy Everitt. He believes there is no need to spill the beans on anything we wouldn’t tell our biggest rivals, apart from our business plans and targets for the future.
‘Even then’, he says, ‘why would we be planning anything untoward?’ Provided we keep the details behind closed doors in a ‘commercial in confidence’ agreement that should be implicit in any working relationship, we have nothing to fear.
Yes, the potential for damage is there, says Roy, but only if we misunderstand what a life coach is actually for.
‘Helping us find a desired destination and designing a route map to get there from here is about the extent of it’, he says.
‘It’s a truly valuable service’, adds Roy, ‘and the fear of letting something slip shouldn’t stop us accepting the help of a genuine and committed life coach’.
Roy helps promote and market coaches through innovative and cost-effective means, concentrating on ‘getting done what needs doing’ rather than what his clients already feel comfortable doing for themselves. He’s married to life coach Jacqui Carrel, author of Become a Professional Life Coach and with whom he co-authored The Complete Marketing Manual.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
If you’re an excellent life coach whose clients tend to do so well, so quickly, that they soon no longer need you, here's some great news.
Because, if you’re that good, you probably feel should have more clients than you can handle, but perhaps getting those new clients isn’t proving as easy as you hoped …
In which case, you probably want:
· More referrals
· More leads
· More high-paying clients
· Less time spent promoting your practice
· More ‘billable time’
· More of your own lifestyle goals to come true…
Well, here’s the good news from one specialist life coach marketer: you can have all of those things, and soon.
Because, unlike most marketing companies who talk about ‘tailored solutions’ and then try to use a template, or ‘one size fits all’ approach to promoting your business, I specialise in promoting life coaches and similar professionals. That means I know where your problems are most likely to lie and, more importantly, I know from experience exactly what the best fix is likely to be.
But that doesn’t mean all life coaches are the same, either. In fact, if there’s a more individual bunch of professionals than life coaches, I’ve yet to find it. That’s why I listen first of all, to how you feel things are going and where you may feel they’re going wrong.
Sometimes that means I can reassure you about a problem that’s actually less of a big deal than you feared. Other times I might point out something you hadn’t spotted. But that’s my job. Once we’ve got it straight, identified the problems and discussed solutions, you can leave most of it to me. I take away the fear of 'How do I do that?' and replace it with 'Consider it done'.
So you can get on with what you’re great at (at which I’d be, shall we say, less gifted), and you leave me to do what I specialise in, namely:
· Getting you more referrals
· Getting you more leads
· Turning more leads into clients
· Getting you more high-paying clients
· Giving you more paid time
· Getting you closer to your goals and even considering new, more ambitious goals
But you can do your own life coaching! Let’s just say I can give you the opportunity.
Drop me an email and I'll get in touch
Roy Everitt, Marketing Professionals
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Marketing For Life Coaches
- More leads
- More referrals
- More higher-paying clients
- More payable hours and fewer spent promoting yourself
- To move closer to YOUR dreams, more quickly
All of which you can get from Cinnamon Edge. If you're a new life coaches or you're business isn't bringing you the rewards you hoped for, you should buy The Life Coaching Manual. All business people who want to do better should take a serious look at The Complete Marketing Manual...
And if you want more personal hands-on help with your marketing, especially if you're a life coach, you should contact me.
Roy Everitt, Specialist Life Coach Marketer.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
What Do You 'Produce'?
One myth that holds back many a business person is the idea that he or she (or his or her company) produces one product, which we’ll call ‘Product X’.
Well, of course, many companies do just that. They go on, year after year, producing this or that product or service, perhaps adding ‘Product Y’ to their range in due course.
But sometimes the demand for products X and Y dries up. Rather like life on Earth, there are a million times as many extinct products, or species as there are extant, surviving ones.
Companies with foresight might see the end coming, and evolve and adapt to create new products and services for the new environment. Many companies are more like dinosaurs, though, and carry on in the old way, with obsolete products, because they served them well in the past. Those products were once brilliant ideas, but not now…
Meanwhile, you may have a passion, a dream and boundless ambition, and you might have a new product that you know the world truly needs. You may, but you’ll be hard-pushed to sell that product if it’s also something no one actually wants. Instead of being a dinosaur, your company might be an evolutionary dead end…
You can spend months or years and unbelievable amounts of money ‘educating the market’ to want what you feel they need. Just as you can pour endless amounts of money down the drain trying to promote something that people used to want but no longer do. Either way, you’re in danger of extinction.
Listen to the market, ask your customers their opinion and watch for signs of what people actually want, not what they need or what you feel they should have.
Then you will have a better chance of owning a brilliant business, not just a brilliant idea.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS. One product that we created to suit customer demand is The Complete Marketing Manual. It wasn't in our plans for now, but we saw a demand and created the product to suit. We can help you do the same.
PPS. To find out what your customers really want and think, why not ask them? Ask us about setting up a survey, made to measure, so you can supply people with exactly what they want. That’s the easiest ‘sell’ of all. Go to our Cinnamon Edge website to see how we can help you set up a survey to ask your customers what they want from you.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Don't Take it From Me
One of the most powerful marketing tools you can use is one that requires very little from you (apart from doing your job conspicuously well). That tool is the word of other delighted customers and recipients. These testimonials work best when they are most authentic. That is, when they come from people you don't know personally, and without any prompting.
Here's an example of just such a testimonial that I received by email today:
"I have been receiving your fantastic and very informative newsletters for a while now and felt I had to write!
I run an independent PR business ... I often pass your info to my clients to stress the importance of communication ... Hope you don't mind me writing, I will look forward to your next installment.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Sophie runs a PR agency, called Bizari Promotions, so she knows about the value of communication in promoting your business. So do we, which is why we publish the regular newsletter Sophie is so enthusiastic about. You can get your copy, delivered directly to your inbox, by just leaving your name and email address. Plus, you get a free chapter of our new manual, The Complete Marketing Manual, and two other bonus reports as a thank you.
Until next time,
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS. If you ever get any letters, comments or emails complimenting your business, or even verbal compliments, make sure you use them, with permission, at every opportunity. One word from a satisfied client or customer is worth a hundred from even the best copywriter.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
How Do You Price Your Product?
One thing we can all find difficult, especially if we're new to business, entering a new niche or launching a totally new product, is how to set the price.
Surprisingly, a low price can reduce sales, because it reduces theperceived value of the product.
So what a lot of people do when they start is to look around for roughly comparable products and set their price a little lower than the average their competitors are asking. What does this do?
It lowers the perceived value of the product to less than most ofthe alternatives. So how many people will choose the new product ahead of one of its rivals, which cost just a little more?
Very few, I'd say.
But when we launched The Complete Marketing Manual there were no direct competitors to compare it with. There were very few offering anything remotely similar. So what could we do to set a realistic price for The Complete Marketing Manual?
We tried to think what we might be prepared to pay. Bad idea. We asked other people what they might pay. Better, but not perfect, becaue they weren't actually going to buy it. All we could actuallydo was set a price and test it. Result: we need to raise the price,and soon.
So, while The Complete Marketing Manual is currently £47 or $97,depending which sales page you go to (that's about the same price, depending on exchange rates), it's going to be more than that in thenear future. Not immediately, because we're also testing something else, but soon.
So now you have advanced warning of the price rise, and the chance to buy it today, for £47 or $97, whichever suits you best.
Go to for the £47 offer, and to for the $97 one.
That's it for now, but remember the price will rise soon.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
The Complete Marketing Manual, from Cinamon Edge
Friday, 30 May 2008
Is Email Marketing Dead?
Judging by the number of emails we all send and receive every day, email marketing is still very much with us.
But how many of those emails are read and acted upon? Most of us have some kind of spam filter, and then we delete a lot of the mail that gets past that filter, without even opening it.
Still, I'm betting you read at least a few email messages every day, and if most of those are from friends, family and colleagues, there will be a percentage that nonetheless contain a sales message of some kind. And if you think you never read any of those, then they're probably slipping under your radar! Score one to the email marketer.
The ones you do notice are also succeeding, of course.
'Succeeding' doesn't have to mean persuading you to buy - marketing isn't just about closing the sale today - it means getting you to 'receive' the marketing message, because all marketing is a process, not an event.
So every message you open is another step towards an eventual sale (or it's another step towards your losing interest and unsubscribing), just as every email you send could be...
Because you don't just have to receive all these emails every day, you can send them, too. It's really quite a simple process and it's amazingly cheap (and therefore cost-effective) if you choose to do it yourself. Even hiring someone to do it for you, using their copywriting skills and experience, needn't cost the earth, and results will usually be even better.
When you target your old and existing customers you'll multiply their lifetime value to you.
You needn't worry about alienating people. We're talking about emailing your customers, not your friends here. If a few do unsubscribe, ask yourself this: do you really need to stay in contact with 'customers' who don't buy anything and don't want to hear from you?
So, is email marketing dead?
No; but maybe, for you, it is sleeping...
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS You won't be surprised to learn that email marketing is one of the services we offer at Cinnamon Edge. You can read more about it in The Complete Marketing Manual or by signing up for our newsletter and free reports, using the form on this page.
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Internet Marketing - Anyone Can Do It!
The best thing about Internet marketing, and what prompted me to use such a bold headline, is that it can act as your shop window, your shop floor, your sales person, your cashier, your bookkeeper, your production workers, your workshop and your delivery system. All, pretty much, for free.
And the more you sell, the closer to ‘free’ it gets. Digital products cost nothing to deliver via the Internet, so margins are astronomical. Almost regardless of the business you do now, you will be able to create, or have created for you, a digital product – an ebook, a software download, an audio or video recording, a ‘how-to’ manual, or whatever. The recurring income in IM is from products that cost very little to create except for time and imagination but which sell over and over again, with free delivery and zero manufacturing costs. And ‘physical’ products like manuals, DVDs and the like sell for prices far above the cost of reproduction and delivery anyway.
So you haven't missed the boat, even if you haven't started yet. Here's a great resource that will take you all the way from novice to know-it-all, and from zero income to a potential income with lots of zeros. It's from my good friend Terry Telford, and I have to say he's roped in a good few friends of his own - and what circles he moves in!
Terry's 'Business Building Strategies E-course' is the real deal. You might even be intimidated by the sheer amount of wisdom he's collected together, but the great thing is you can follow one 'teacher' at a time or dip in and out to gradually hone your own methods and fill in the blanks in your knowledge-base. If he's left out a thing, I haven't spotted it! Get it HERE.
Another great thing about the Internet is that you can keep things very simple: while it’s delivering your merchandise and collecting and recording payments, the Internet is simultaneously building you a database of clients you can go back to time after time. By integrating an auto responder system like Aweber into your sales and marketing process, you can automatically add every online customer and every enquirer to your database, so you can repeat your sales message as often as you see fit. You can also be more subtle with your email marketing, by providing useful content and information, like our Cinnamon Edge articles and newsletters, building the trust and respect of your potential clients until they feel happy to buy from you. Or they can just keep reading.
Either way, it still costs you next to nothing to stay in touch. If we can do it, so can you!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS. You can get the Business Building Strategies E-course here.
PPS. We've also just updated The Complete Marketing Manual and we're so proud of it we want you to have the first chapter, absolutely free, when you go HERE
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Business Building Strategies E-Course
Obviously, we use the Internet for a lot of our marketing: it's cheap and powerful and quite easy to use once you get into it. But because it's so versatile you might have despaired of ever learning enough about it to make it work for YOUR business.
Well, here's a brilliant resource we've just uncovered. It's the business building strategies e-course and it's very impressive. It's a combined effort from 50 of the Internet's top level entrepreneurs. Each one shares how they made it to the top of the heap and how they continue to grow their business and their incomes, regardless of the economic climate.
Note that you can use these methods whether or not your business is Internet based, and even if you're very new to business.
But I think the best thing about this course is you can pick one 'instructor' and follow their exact steps to build your business online, take their strategies to make a very substantial part-time income, or just fill in the blanks in your own knowledge by cherry-picking the information you need.
But whichever option suits you, we know this course will help you achieve your business and financial goals. You can review the Business Building Strategies E-Course here.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS Speaking of results: for results-based marketing, go to The Complete Marketing Manual. We'll even give a free chapter when you visit the sales page.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
21 Ways to Promote Your Business
When you go to The Complete Marketing Manual we'll give you 21 easy and effective ways to promote your business, absolutely free, PLUS the first chapter of The Complete Marketing Manual to sample.
Because if you have a business, any business, and you're starting to feel the pinch, you need better promotion and marketing, simple as that.
Get it free at The Complete Marketing Manual from Cinnamon Edge
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Thursday, 17 April 2008
21 Ways to Promote Your Business
If you have a business of any kind, you might be getting a bit twitchy about the economy.
You might even be tempted to cut a few corners with your marketing, to shave a few pounds or dollars off the 'cost'.
Well, you should and you shouldn't...
The good news is you can nearly always find a way to get more effective marketing for less. The even better news is we can tell you how, and even that advice is free!
The even better news is we can also show you how to get so much more for your money that you'll soon be proving the ultimate marketing truth: Spending on effective marketing is an investment, not a cost.
So go to and sign up for the free ebook '21 Easy and Effective Ways to Get You and Your Business Noticed'.
And, while you're there, think about how quickly you could recoup a £47 investment in effective marketing!
The Complete Marketing Manual is on special offer, but we really don't know how long that will last. You probably have until next Monday, at least, since we'll be away and far too busy to update the sales page until then.
But who knows? If it starts flying off the proverbial (and virtual) shelves, we might make time!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS Go to anyway, and grab your free ebook '21 Easy and Effective Ways to Get You and Your Business Noticed'.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Call Stephen Hawking!
Hello again,
Who would have thought a copywriter could answer once and for all one of the great imponderable questions of the cosmos? And who would have believed it would be so easy?
I'm sure you know the theory...
Every time something happens, when something else could have happened, both things actually occur and one universe carries on in one way while another carries on in another. Since these maybe/maybe not events happen all the time, new universes are constantly being created.
Although that doesn't give us an infinite number of universes, it does give us an awful lot!
It turns out that copywriting works in exactly the same way. And that's how I proved it to be incontrovertably true.
There I was, pondering on ideas for a headline, when I remembered I really should be saving every idea that came to me, rather than trying to pick a 'winner' straight off. And that the same thing applies to the opening paragraph of the sales letter. And every paragraph that follows. And every decision about how long or short, what benefit to focus on, how to frame the offer, etc, etc... Almost an infinite number of sales letter possibilities could be 'calved' from the original, in just the same way as universes are 'calved' from one original universe.
Now, whether you believe in a 'creator' or 'designer' on a cosmological level, it's probably just as well there is such a thing as a 'creative' or copywriter, in the salesletter cosmos, or we could be here forever, trying to decide.
So, if God exists, do you think he ever has trouble deciding which universe to pick? Or maybe we're all part of one giant, multivariant split test!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Friday, 21 March 2008
Sell Your House This Easter
It's not the best headline I've ever come up with, but it's pertinent, I think. With the property market apparently slowing, we have a buyer's market for the first time in years.
So, making your property more attractive to buyers could save you weeks of waiting and might even secure you a better price - all for the sake of investing some time and possibly a little money.
Because selling someone their next home (you're not selling them your home!) depends a fair bit on presentation.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I wrote some magazine articles on the subject of 'Preparing Your House For Sale' which I've assembled into an ebook. It's yours, free of charge, when you sign up for Roy Everitt dotcom.
It's a bit of a departure from my usual line, but it seems a shame to let this valuable content languish on my hard drive when it could be helping you save time and/or money.
Just leave your name and email and I'll send you the link. Existing members will get the link in the hour or so.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Friday, 14 March 2008
The World's Simplest Membership Site
Hello again,
Having spent good money on membership site software and looked closely at other software costing ten times as much, or more, Jacqui and I reckon we've found a better way - and it costs next to nothing - to run a simple membership site.
Membership sites, in case you hadn't noticed, are one of the most profitable ways to make money online. Almost every niche has at least a few people doing very nicely, but there's plenty of room for a few more.
I won't reveal the topic just yet, but I will say it looks very promising. Simple doesn't have to mean nasty: it's all in the quality of the content and we know that will be good because it's all being created exclusively for the site. But it will be simple to join, simple to use (unlike some) and simple to administer.
We'll let you know how it's going just as soon as it's up and running.
It won't be this weekend, though - we're off to Heathrow very soon for the Buy to Let Summit we're helping to run. If you're coming too, come and say 'Hi'.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results.
PS. Don't forget to sign up for regular updates. We might just have found you the perfect way to make money from your own membership site...
Friday, 7 March 2008
Copywriter For Hire!
It's been over a week since I posted here, but that's one hazard of being busy and successful, so who's complaining?
And now those big projects we were apparently buried by are finally completed (just a few details to finish off over the weekend), I can finally turn my attention to all the other projects that currently languish half-finished on my laptop.
Which means I'll be removing all the 'Public Speaking' articles in the next day or two, as promised. Then I can get back to posting my regular copywriting, marketing and other advice and tips.
And earning a living as a copywriter!
And, very soon, those major projects that have taken so much of our time will be revealed to the waiting world, the smaller ones that have been pending will be completed and released and we can get our lives back and finally we can get back... to the next major project...
But this one won't take six months - guaranteed!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Sign up for Roy Everitt dotcom and you can get the very best of me while I'm back in circulation, plus the free reports, special offers and loads of great resources and products at minimal cost - like FREE. To Join Roy Everitt dotcom, just leave your name and email.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
We Met Over an Airbed...
Today, I've a little story for you. Imagine this:
You are struggling to build your business beyond what seems to be its natural limits.
You work hard on and in your business, but let’s imagine your business is supplying inflated beds. That’s airbeds with the air already in…
Do you know what it’s like blowing up an inflatable bed? For ages, little seems to happen; it feels like the air is going nowhere, then it starts to take shape and you begin to feel rewarded for all that huffing and puffing. Then, just when you think you’re really winning, the bed is full and each and every puff gets harder than the last. Meanwhile, the bed gets no bigger…
Now you meet a partner, and he or she points out that you could be inflating a double airbed with all the effort you’re putting into trying to grow the single one. What’s more, they can add their puffs, too. In fact, they have access to a pump, if only you can supply a few more beds….
Now you have a business that’s potentially ten, a hundred, even a thousand times the size it was – and you’re doing far less huffing and puffing, too. In fact, you’ve probably automated, systematised and standardised to such an extent by now, its as though you’re doing virtually no work at all – you just keep getting richer!
And you’re the world’s number-one inflated airbed supplier, with partners all around the world.
All because you met a partner with a pump…
That ‘pump’ could be any skill or asset you don’t possess. And your airbeds could be anything they don’t have. But together? Together, the world is at your feet.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS. To meet the owner of your potential 'pump' you will have to take some action. How about going to the next networking event, seminar or conference and just making a real effort to meet people? Go Here!
Monday, 25 February 2008
Go Here! is born...
I'm very proud to announce the birth of Go Here!
Go Here! will be an up to the minute listing of all the events; seminars, conferences, workshops, etc, that I believe have the potential to change lives.
First up is the eConfex Buy to Let Summit on 15-16 March.
You'll see a link to 'GO HERE! LIFE CHANGING EVENTS' in the links to your right. Or you can go directly to it by clicking here.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Sunday, 24 February 2008
I'm very grateful to Mark Byford for the following article which I've adapted from his blog on MySpace:
I'm going to use the term networking in the loosest possible sense here as I believe if you look at networking the way most people perceive it, you’ll see why most people give up on it.
It always intrigues me how people think it should just happen. Ask yourself this: if you go to work for somebody does the job just happen or do you work at the job to make it happen? The word work means ''to do'' so you might think that if you work you will get results. Well, be assured, if you don't, you will not even be in the running.
I belong to all sorts of networking groups both on and off-line; I attend every possible networking event that is ever put on, and my reckoning is that if you're in it, you can win it.
Let's cover seven basic networking rules before we get ahead of ourselves:
Rule 1) Know your products and your company inside out
Rule 2) Carry enough business cards for the entire event
Rule 3) Don't be ‘Billy no mates’! Get in there and talk to people
Rule 4) Look the part, dress up, smell great. People may like it
Rule 5) Always carry your samples
Rule 6) Listen to what others have to say and then tell them about you
Rule 7) Get their cards
Understand this above all else: everyone attends networking events for one reason – to get more business. Well, the problem with that is that people don’t like passing work on to strangers. That’s a simple fact, so here is what you need to do:
Go to the event, be it Chamber of Commerce, BNI, B4B, BRE, FSB or any other serious professional networking organisation, and just NETWORK! Don't try to sell anybody the idea or product – you can do all that in good time.
Meet them, greet them, talk to them, listen to them but most of all don't push what you have to say down their throats. Have a good time, enjoy the day and work the room, not spending much more than 3 minutes with any one person. Ask each of them if they have a business card in case you need to contact them in the future, and give them two of yours. They will often say ‘Oh, you gave me two cards by mistake’. Just say, ‘It's no mistake; the other is for a friend of yours that you may feel needs to speak to me’, and then just smile.
When you get back from the event the fun starts. Send everybody an email saying how great it was to meet them and how you’d like to get together and find out more about their business, so that when you’re out networking in future you can pass their details on to people you meet.
So you send the emails out. For those that don't reply, call them and ask them ‘Do I have the correct email address for you? Only I note I haven't received a reply from you’. They will then suddenly remember to reply. Now you have a book full of appointments to go and see people – maybe five to ten a week, every week, if not more.
When you meet them tell them how great it is to see them again and how you’re really looking forward to the meeting. Be relaxed, enjoy your time with them and make this a real one to one. Don't be pushy: some of the nicest people I have dealt with in the world are the best salesmen; they’re just not pushy. One of my closest friends now started as a cardboard box salesman who visited me to sort out my packaging requirements, we have been the best of friends ever since that day ten years ago.
The point many people miss is that people ‘buy’ people – the product or service comes second and the price only third...
Enjoy the next netWORKing event you attend – now you know what you’re doing!
Adapted from an article by Mark Byford
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS You can network like crazy, learn loads and secure your future at the eConfex Buy to Let Summit on 15-16 March. Read more right here!
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Speaking of Public Speaking
1 See some really good public speakers in action
2 See how a big event is staged and organised, at a major UK venue
3 Learn how anyone can make serious amounts of money from property - especially when everyone else is getting nervous...
4 Plug your own 'pension gap' using the banks' money...
5 Meet me!
Ok, I could have put those in a different order - meeting me should have been number 1 - but seriously, this is a major, major event. It really could change your life. Go here to change yours.
The eConfex Buy to Let Summit is at London Heathrow on 15-16 March. I'll be there, helping behind the scenes, so just ask for me if you'd like to say 'Hello'.
Most important - just go, listen and learn. This is your chance to retire seriously rich!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Riches!
PS Don't forget, 15-16 March, right here!
PPS Sign up to Roy Everitt dotcom (top right on this page) and you'll be kept updated on all the events and offers I can find and genuinely recommend - which means I won't flood your inbox with emails every day, because I understand how annoying that is! Sign up and see - you can unsubscribe any time.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Growing Like Topsy!
One thing that won't be obscure for long is a new social networking site for people making money online, called Zion5.
From nought to over 7,000 members in no time at all is the kind of growth most of us would only dream of. And today, Zion5 has gone 'professional'. Becoming a professional member has all kinds of advantages, from unlimited advertising to lifetime commissions. Meanwhile, you can quickly build a contact list of several hundred, even as a free member.
Then you can promote your own site, all the sites you're a member of (to build your list, grow your downlines, etc) and even blog to all 7000 plus members...
Anyway, go here and take a look.
While I'm promoting free stuff, I should also mention Take The Internet Back, which is much more established, and has over 170,000 members. It's also free - in fact it pays you (a little) and you can advertise to the other members at very reasonable rates, too. It's another one worth having a look at. You'll find Take the Internet Back here.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS Don't forget you'll need to sign up to Roy Everitt dotcom to be the first to hear about probably the most important launch of the year that's squarely aimed at YOU. Sign up now, top right on this page.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
So Much to Choose From...
Hello again,
I'm going to assume, for the sake of argument, that we each have just one lifetime.
I'll also take it as read that you're having as much trouble cramming everything into yours as I am squeezing it all into mine.
And that you'd like your life to be fulfilled and successful, financially secure and interesting. Well, that about sums up my ambitions, anyway.
But there is so much to do, so much to read and listen to and watch, so much to learn and just a finite amount of time. We have to make choices. Specifically, we have to make decisions about what will move us towards our goals and what will just distract us.
So I'm pleased to be able to point you towards a nifty little decision-making tool that could save you hour upon hour of wasted time and effort and speed you towards your goals, whatever they may be. It's free, takes just moments to apply and fills one side of a piece of paper when you print it out.
It's been created by David Congreave (Lucid SEO, The Nettle, Networking Nightmares...), and you'll find it on his website, right here:
Hype Protector, eh? Cool name.
David knows a thing or two about making wise choices. He's made plenty already, although I'm not the only one who's told him he could have chosen to charge for this!
Meanwhile, do you ever get the impression that the Internet has been hijacked? Well now you can take the Internet back, right here.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS Talking of avoiding hype - if you don't want to be buried under the hype for (whisper it) MI.7, you need to sign up for Roy Everitt dotcom. That way you can get in first, ahead of the rush, and be profiting from the furore that's bond to ensue when (shhh...) MI.7 is opened to the general public. Just visit the sign up box top right on this page and you'll be first to hear.
PPS Did I mention the Hype Protector is free? Well it is. Go here:
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
265,000 plus targeted visitors?
I'll be back here later today, but meanwhile how does this sound to you?
Could You Use 265,719 Targeted Visitors For FREE?
Worth a look, certainly!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS Sign up now and be first to hear about the biggest news to hit the Internet this year. It's secret, it's powerful and it's aimed at YOU!
Thursday, 24 January 2008
My Other Blog is a Ferrari
Is there an optimum number of blogs, community sites and other assorted 'web 2.0' resources for an Internet marketer?
I only ask because, while it's a good idea to drive traffic to the websites we're selling or promoting from, driving them round in circles from one to another might be an exercise in diminishing returns.
Nonetheless, I'll be interested to see how many people pop in here from Zion5, where a new blog feature has just been introduced and I've just posted for the first time.
I'll also be keen to see how many linger to read some of my previous posts.
Dig in people, and enjoy!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
PS And, of course, sign up!
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Talk About Focus!
Hello again.
Talk about focused effort - and calm under pressure. I thought we could work quite hard, I thought I was pretty good under pressure, but seeing my daughter not just coping but managing superbly makes me realise just how easy my life is most of the time. And it made me appreciate it, too.
If you still have children at home, or you work as a teacher or child carer, or you spend a lot of time with your grandchildren, you will understand. But how quickly we forget!
I've had my two children, and 'inherited' two more almost exactly ten years younger, and wouldn't have missed being a parent - but I wouldn't choose to do it again, either...
And life is about choices. Not every decision we make turns out to be a wise one, but it was still ours to make. Without exception, we make the best choice we can at any given time, given the circumstances, what we believe and how much we know, so it follows that we make better choices when we know more and can think more clearly.
Sometimes that requires a bit of distance, or a crisis or crossroads in our life. Often, it requires more courage than we think we have, but we all have more courage than we know. When the pain of being where we are exceeds the (often exaggerated) pain of making a change, we make the change. And usually find the pain is nothing like we expected.
But to make a real go of a new venture, it does us no harm at all to be reminded just what real focus and calm under pressure is. Find yourself a young mum and prepare to be amazed!
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
A 265,719 List - Free
One of the biggest obstacles to many would-be online marketers is building a 'safelist' of opted-in email addresses. Without those, email marketing is dead before it even starts...
And even 24 percent of nothing is still nothing.
Here's the solution: Smart
Roy Everitt, Writing For Smart Results
Friday, 11 January 2008
At Least Something Works!
Frustrating isn't quite the word when you've gone to the trouble of directing people to a website, only to find you can't update the content to give them what you've promised.
The mysteries of Internet Explorer and/or Google conspired to prevent me updating this page yesterday, but I'm here now.
And the plan was to tell you how the death of email marketing has been greatly exaggerated. To point out that any other advertising medium that could deliver a twenty-four percent response would be lauded to the hills. And any that subsequently delivered over sixty percent of those responders to the advertised event would be hailed as revolutionary.
It wasn't lauded (except by me) and there's nothing very revolutionary about email marketing. I guess it depends on three things:
- How targeted the original list is
- How good the offer is
- How well we write the emails
So we can probably say we got three out of three for our last campaign. Fifty attendees from a list of about three hundred people (and from just under eighty opt-ins) has to be good.
So when I finished congratulating myself for that success I could only think I should be doing this kind of thing for a living!
Then I remembered I was, decided to tell a few people about it, and hit the brick wall that either Microsoft or Google temporarily threw up in my path.
Still, I'm here now, I've told you about it and I can only ask one question: how would a twenty-four percent response to your next campaign help YOUR business?
Roy Everitt, Writing for Amazing Results
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Beware the Joint Venture
but hold on - aren't I the one who's been telling you for months that joint ventures are the fastest way to grow a list, build your business and transform your earning ability?
Yep. So maybe I should plead guilty right now to deceiving you all along?
Yes and no.
Joint ventures are a brilliant way to build your business. That means they're also a brilliant way for everyone else to build their business, too. And there are joint ventures and joint ventures...
Just recently, it seems that every other email I get is promoting the idea of joint ventures. Most of them, not surprisingly perhaps, are promoting the idea of joint ventures with the sender of the email. Of course, they're trying to sell me something and there's nothing wrong with that. But what they suggest is not a joint venture at all. It's an affiliate scheme, pure and simple.
Not that there's anything wrong with afffiliate schemes, either. Ask Ewan Chia. But I do think that promoting one thing as something else is wrong.
In a recent email to David Congreave I used the term 'interested affiliate'. I think that's a more accurate name for the kind of joint venture offer that really amounts to 'sell my product for a commission and I may promote something of yours later'. In other words, the affiliate partners have a vested interest in the success of the whole promotion, since it builds a bigger list they may be able to tap into later. But it's not a joint venture, which entails a far more specific relationship and a more tangible return.
To me, a joint venture is where both (or all) parties bring something roughly equal to the table and share the rewards accordingly.
But if you're suddenly bombarded with 'exclusive' or 'limited' joint venture offers from people whom you know wouldn't know you from Adam or Eve, just ask yourself, as always, 'What's in it for me?'
As for me - I usually just press 'delete'.
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Why Rivals Should be Allies
Hello again.
As a public speaker, especially an inexperienced and nervous one, you're quite likely to feel anxious and defensive about your position or status. Don't worry - that's quite natural and normal. If you had no nerves you'd have no adrenalin and probably no energy to perform.
Still, away from the stage you need to be more clear-headed about things.
One of the great things about business (that I wouldn't have believed before I gave up the 'day job' a year ago) is the level of cooperation you get between people who could just as easily be rivals. It's the quickest way to grow a business, bar an unfeasibly large cash injection, so it makes sense all round. Often, though, people cooperate and help each other despite having little to gain. I suppose that's because most people are, basically, nice.
So it was good to read a newsletter from David Congreave today, celebrating that fact. David created Lucid SEO, The Nettle and Networking Nightmares, so he knows a thing or two about success and cooperation.
As a public speaker you might well feel all alone and pretty vulnerable up there on the stage. Actually, there's no need if you're prepared to share the limelight, the kudos, the profits and the stress with a 'rival' who operates in the same niche as you.
Think about it, and think about the value your audience gets if they get two experts' views and ideas, two voices to make things more varied and two people essentially reinforcing the principles you're trying to espouse. It makes sense to me.
You'll be marketing to two lists, as well. And that never hurts...
Roy Everitt, Writing For Results